Saturday, March 14, 2009

Musical photo-album using XML!


Finally done a customizable d.i.y photo album + music player using XML language!
(too bad cannot embed inside blogger due XML file is also required)


Of course, i am not that smart. i learnt from internet.
Need some time to figure out the source code in order to make it more "customizable".haa..

Right now, time to find a large webspace. =) (current is only 100MB!)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1 Month old!

A d.i.y gift for my another 2 niece..Yu wei and Yu Xuan..

IImagine so far just started living for 1 month..(and i am really feel old le..haa..Somehow i feel, they are still trying to get their eyes focus on near objects..

We start life by not able to walk, sight slowly focusing, no hair, no teeth..and as we grow older, we seem to go back to the circumstances as when we were babies.. a cycle..whatever..

And also, 1st time trying XML to load pictures. With help of of course.
Yippee! Next step is to create a better d.i.y customizable photo album.
